Reading Review – 9/20/15


3.5/5 stars

This started out really slow, and Charlotte was really annoying for the like first 1/3 of the book, but actually the last 2/3 of the book was very good, a huge improvement from the first two in the series. However, Rebecca was extremely annoying and pushy throughout the book. This one gets 3.5 stars, because it was very good by the end, however Rebecca was so annoying it took away from the book. I also, hope Charlotte can get some better investigation techniques by the next book. But simply look at that cover, it’s honestly one of the most beautiful covers I have ever seen.


4/5 stars

Very, very good. This kept my attention throughout and I loved all of the characters. The one star was taken off simply for it taking me so long to finish and for Micheal’s sometimes moodiness. Besides that, however this was an excellent book that I loved. I already have the next on my shelf, so expect me to be reading that soon!

Update No. 2

So, I decided to instead of doing a longer review for each book I read, I’m going to do a post about every three books with short(er) reviews that really tell how I feel about the book. I think this will work best with my schedule because I currently have tons going on but I don’t want to stop posting entirely. So, I’ll be posting the first try of this in a few minutes.


Just a quickie post because I’ve been extremely busy and haven’t posted anything in awhile. This is actually the first time I’ve been online since like 4 days ago. I have read a few books this week, however I will not be posting a full review because it’s been a few days since I read them. I thoroughly enjoyed For the Love of Mike by Rhys Bowen and A Fool and His Honey by Charlaine Harris.

I don’t know how many posts I’ll be posting now that my classes have resumed, but I’ll try and post at least 3 times a week. Until later, have a great day!

The Longest Yard Sale – Sherry Harris

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4/5 Base Thrift Shops

On The Back:


When Sarah Winston turns Ellington, Massachusetts, into New England’s largest garage sale for a day, it’s the small town’s biggest event since the start of the Revolutionary War—but without the bloodshed. That is, until a valuable painting goes missing…and the lifeless body of an Air Force officer is found in Carol Carson’s painting studio, his face perfectly framed with the murder weapon—a metal picture frame.


Sarah is mad as heck that someone used her town-wide garage sale to commit a crime—and frame her good friend Carol. She is definitely on this case…but it’s not easy rummaging through increasingly strange clues that point to cheating spouses, downright dirty investment schemes—even the mob. And Sarah will have to be very careful if she wants to live to bargain another day…

My Thoughts:

Though not quite as good as the first in this series, The Longest Yard Sale was a fun, fast-paced story that I enjoyed. Sarah has been hired by the town of Ellington, Massachusetts to organize the biggest yard sale in New England. On the day of the sale, however, mysterious fires start appearing around the area, and later a man is found murdered. When Sarah’s good friend, Carol, is accused Sarah knows she must find the killer before the killer puts Carol behind bars.

I love Sarah, she’s a fun MC who doesn’t use badgering tactics to get answers from people. Her friends, Rosie, Angelo, Stella, and Carol are all fun, too. However, there are two love-interests in this book, though both know about each other. I wouldn’t call it a love triangle because of the way the author sets it up, but it’s still there and sometimes it gets annoying.

The mystery was good, though it dragged slightly in the beginning of the book. However, it picked up about 1/3 of the way through and by the end I wanted more.

Overall a very good book. Looking forward to the next book! With acceptable characters and an average mystery The Longest Yard Sale gets 4/5 stars.

August Reading Review

Well this month has by far been extremely busy! With classes resumign and a short vacationa t the beginning of the month, August was my least-productive month this year, but I’m still please with the amount I read and I’m right on track to hit my yearly goal early!

Yearly Challenge:


ABC Author Challenge:


Mount TBR Challenge:

19/24 books

Nonfiction Challenge – COMPLETE:

16/12 books

YA/Children’s Challenge – COMPLETE:

17/12 books

Cruisin’ Through the Cozies Challenge – COMPLETE:


Favorite Mystery Reads for August:

  1. Tagged for Death – Sherry Harris
  2. A Murder of Magpies – Judith Flanders
  3. Princess Elizabeth’s Spy – Susan Elia MacNeal
  4. Malice at the Palace – Rhys Bowen
  5. Murphy’s Law – Rhys Bowen

Favorite Other Reads for July:

  1. Let’s Get Lost – Adi Alsaid

Haven’t decided what book I’m reading next, so I have no idea what my next review will be! Have a great month!